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Recruitment Information

We are recruiting professionals who can share our spirit of revolutionizing the education for medicine/medical care.
Why don't you join us and work together for building totally new, integrated educational systems by making full use of 3D photographed images, 3DCGs, haptic devices, and networks?

Software Development Staff

Job description:
To develop software including 3D graphics, image processing, and server software.
Required skills/experience:
Experience in developing software using VC++, C++, Javascript, Swift, Objective-C (Experience holders in OpenGL or WebGL are welcome.)

Equipment Development Staff

Job description:
To develop 3D stereographic unit, 3D stereoscopic imaging apparatus, and medical related instruments.
Required skills/experience:
Experience in designing precision machinery or optics, or in precision processing with a CNC milling machine.

3DCG Creator/Editorial Staff

Job description:
Create/edit medical and medical-related contents.
Required skills/experience:
Experience in creating 3D CG(3ds Max), or in editing medical related contents (such as images and printed books).


Job description
Each of the above jobs.
Required skills/experience:
Needs to be full of ideas, be able to use own ingenuity and have understanding with growth potential as staff of the above. (Medical/healthcare professionals or researchers of life science are very welcome.)

Please contact us for inquiries or further information about recruitment at the following address:
E-mail : address